Saturday, August 31, 2019

Characters in Mayor of Casterbridge and Frankenstein Essay

I am going to use Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero in order to ascertain whether the main characters in Mayor of character of Michael Henchard as a tragic hero as he adopts fatal flaws which result in an eventual downfall. He then recognises his faults and inspires pity from the reader. This novel was first Casterbridge and Frankenstein can be viewed as tragic heroes. Hardy presents the published on the 2nd January 1886. To date, his fictional writing had received mixed reviews but this particular novel was well received by his contemporaries and critics alike and given high marks. In Hardy’s autobiography it states, â€Å"Others thought better of it than he did himself.† Mary Shelley’s fictional novel, Frankenstein was first published in 1818. In this novel I have focused Victor Frankenstein, the main character, and have studied him thoroughly throughout the events in the novel. There is an ongoing and controversial debate as to who actually is the tragic hero of the novel as both Victor Frankenstein and the monster both qualify. In this essay, I will discuss this view and indicate who I believe to be the tragic hero. The first element I will look at is Harmartia which is Greek, meaning fatal or tragic flaw of judgement. In the novel, Henchard makes many fatal flaws which, in turn, causes the occurrence of other tragic events. I will concentrate on his first flaw which we come across right at the beginning of the novel. Henchard actually sells his own wife and infant daughter at a furmity tent while he is in a totally drunken state despite being disapproved of alcohol consumption by his wife. His flaws in being disobedient and inconsiderate are completely evident when he shouts, â€Å"Will anybody buy her?† This not only humiliates Susan, his wife, but also shows us a very bitter side to his character which is most definitely flawed. According to Samuel Pyeatt Menefee, â€Å"Contemporary critics who could not believe, apparently, that such transactions had ever occurred on English soil in the nineteenth century.† Hardy surprises the audience as well as the critics with the use of thi s plot device and gives the audience something to look forward to later in the novel. The flaw of consuming alcohol itself is a tragic flaw as it leads him to insult and blame his wife during her presence and makes drastic decisions. Hardy also describes Henchard as a â€Å"women-hater† which shows us that he has little respect for the opposite sex and thinks that they limit his opportunities of being successful. This is also corresponds to what happened at the furmity tent with his wife and shows his attitude clearly towards women. From this we can see that extreme hatred is definitely one of his flaws.   In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein is considered to be a tragic hero as he fits in the mould of Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero. Frankenstein’s tragic flaw is that he is overpowered by his ambitions and aspirations which drives him to create the monster. This is highly evident when he says, â€Å"when I am glowing with the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate my joy.† This shows how he is driven by success and ambition and shows that his creation means everything to him. Critique, Anne K Mellor states â€Å"Frankenstein has clear ly substituted his scientific research for normal emotional interactions† in her thesis (Mary Shelley: Her Life, Her Fictions, Her Monsters (1988). This not only supports the fact that Frankenstein has flaws but also introduces the fresh idea of ignorance in Frankenstein which could be a potential and hidden tragic flaw. He also attempts to play god and mess with the beauty of nature which results in something extremely ugly. This is explored through after creating the monster, Frankenstein is unable to face the consequences of his own scientific actions and rejects the monster. It is evident that Frankenstein was only concerned about the outer beauty and we see this when he says â€Å"breathless horror and disgust filled my heart.† This expresses his emotions towards his own creation and highlights his error of judgement which proves that Frankenstein himself had flaws. Peripeteia is a Greek element which involves a tragic downfall of character. As we have already established, Henchard has many flaws which start a chain of downfalls for him in the novel. The first fall he experiences is when he loses Donald Farfrae as both a manager and a friend. This impacts on Henchard’s business greatly as Farfrae is a great asset to the business as a result of his rational decision-making. Due to Henchard’s flaw of jealousy, he loses Farfrae in both of these capacities. Henchard then proceeds to make very bad business decisions which result in bankruptcy and the eventual loss of the business. Just as we believe that he has nothing left to lose, we are surprised when his secret is revealed in court by the furmity women. The secret, of selling his wife and daughter, is now revealed. This then effects Henchard further as he loses his house, his position as Mayor of Casterbridge and loses his reputation within the community. Eventually, we see Henchard depicted as a beggar during the Royal’s visit and is described as wea ring â€Å"fretted and weather-beaten garments of bygone years†. This description contrasts greatly with Hardy’s earlier description of Henchard’s clothing when he first becomes Mayor of Casterbridge. This contrast shows exactly how much of a downfall he has suffered. In comparison, Frankenstein also has downfalls which are caused by his own actions. Frankenstein suffers emotionally when he loses his wife Elizabeth and his friend Clerval as the monster kills them both which in turn, kills his own happiness. He expresses his â€Å"Overflowing misery† and â€Å"Agony of despair† and this is an indication that he is suffering and the great pain he feels. The word â€Å"overflowing† also implies that the grief he is trying to endure can no longer be contained and that his misery is reaching insurmountable levels within him. The phrase â€Å"Agony of despair† also gives the impression that his tolerance towards his own unhappiness will be prolonged, permanent and everlasting. The third element I will look at is Anagnorisis which is Greek for recognition of fatal flaw of character. In mayor of Casterbridge, Henchard falls from a high social status to a low one but does become aware of his fatal flaws and wrong-doings to others. The first flaw he admits to is selling Susan in the furmity tent in front of a court of magistrates .This is apparent when he says in court â€Å"‘Tis as true as the light.† This quote shows how Henchard realises the mistake he made with Susan and surprises the reader with this truthful attitude. Here, we see him in a different light from the character we have witnessed and come to know. It also causes confusion for the reader as to why he actually told the truth at this point when he knows that it can remain concealed. Similarly, the element of realising own tragic flaws is present in Frankenstein but instead Frankenstein realises when it’s too late. After the death of several people, he realises that his own cr eation was a mistake and that he only deserves the same fate as those the monster had killed. He describes himself as being â€Å"Unfeeling, heartless creator!† This indicates that he regrets making the monster which contrasts with his attitude at the beginning when he is driven by excessive curiosity. Frankenstein also admits that he cannot play God through the quote â€Å"Fright must it be, for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavor to mock the stupendous mechanism of the Creator of the world.† The quote is his own realization that he, in his arrogance had mocked God, because the only consequence that can be had by playing God is frightful. It is true to say that Victor Frankenstein realises that his own creation was a mistake and that, as a consequence, he too deserves the same fate as those his monster has killed. He describes himself as being â€Å"Unfeeling, heartless creator!† This indicates that he regrets making the monster which contrasts with his attitude at the beginning where he was wholly driven by excessive ambition and curiosity. However, Unlike Henchard, it is evident that Victor has learned little from the suffering he has caused. This lack of self-awareness is indicated before his death when he speaks of â€Å"Another† who â€Å"may succeed.† This implies that he doesn’t recognise his flaws completely. or fear by the character. Despite his bitter character portrayal, Hardy also tries to create an innocent side Catharsis is an element of the tragic hero which is evident in the character of Michael Henchard. This forth element is Greek and it means to inspire pity ewual amount of sympathy towards the character. We come across this when Henchard states, â€Å"Here and everywhere are folk dying before their time like frosted leaves, though wanted by the world, the country, and their own families, as badly as can be; while I, an outcast and an encumbrance, wanted by nobody, I live on, and can’t die if I try.† Henchard feels like an outcast; no one cares whether he lives or die s, and yet he â€Å"lives on.† He uses the simile of â€Å"frosted leaves† to describe people â€Å"dying before their time,† perhaps because people have as little control over their deaths as they do over the weather. Henchard mainly inspires pity towards the end of the novel when he dies and leaves a will behind for his daughter and Farfrae. In this will he expresses his feelings of regret and starts to show that he thinks of others before himself. This is evident in the will when it states â€Å"that no man remembers me.† This particular line in the will is the last line of all of his other wishes that are completely selfless and expresses the hatred towards himself. This inspires pity in the reader as we feel a great amount of sympathy for Henchard when he wishes that no one would know and commemorate him regardless of his death. Henchard’s final will and testament sums up the dissatisfaction of his life. He doesn’t want to be remembered or mourned; he doesn’t even want a grave marker. In Frankenstein, the character of victor Frankenstein doesn’t entirely create sympathy for himself as he is responsible for his own actions but there are other things that we might empathise with. Frankenstein’s character shows determination and works hard when trying to create the monster. This is evident when he states â€Å"I failed; yet still I clung on to the hope.† For obvious reasons, his hard work was not reflected which is apparent upon seeing the monster. We can somewhat relate to this as he worked so hard and spent much time on his creation but the desired results were not shown at the end. This is where we might feel sympathy for him. Overall, in my opinion I believe that both characters adopt the necessary characteristics in becoming a tragic hero as they both fit in the mould of Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero. Both characters do have fatal flaws and make errors of judgement which cause them to suffer a downfall in society. The characters then recognise their flaws and realise the wrongs they have done and try to make amends. They also inspire pity or fear, but in these cases, I feel sympathy for both characters, particularly, Henchard as we see a drastic change in personality from the beginning to the end.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mankind Is No Island

Mankind is No Island Focus: The collection of Still Images Sound Not a lot of dialogue Montage of images – together they make an image The words shown are from signs, street signs and shop signs etc. What makes this film visual What is specifically visual about it What makes the video shape my perspective of the situation What is the purpose of the video being made? – To be more aware of the homeless Ideas: There is a lack of giving to the homeless The homeless are taken for granted The homeless are ignored by society It is filmed in the city because it demonstrates advertising and also emphasizes consumerism. Used to contradict or to challenge what they are to present in the cities. The homeless are destitute and deprived from the necessities of life. Techniuqes Soft dramatic piano music is used The music sets the tone. It also makes the audience depressed and feel guilty. Camera angles are placed in the same level as the homeless. This is used to place the audience in the homeless peoples situation and position. By doing this, the audience feels the hardships, the sadness and the uselessness as the homeless have also felt. Repetition of the images of the homeless being ignored Rhetorical Questions are also used to make the audience feel depressed and reflect on their guilt. RQ's are also used to make audience reflect Repetitions of RQ's Religious images Repetition of â€Å"NO† Close up of the Homeless Face – Shows their facial expressions. Also indicates their sadness and their depression. Shows their rugged appearance. Take away the homeless identity and places the audience to look at them face to face as humans. Demonstrates how old they look. Also supports that being homeless ages you. The homeless have literally been forced to live a life of desperation. The homeless have no choices. The fact that two of the largest cities are used symbolises and supports the idea that homeless people are not found in a particular place, but are recognised everywhere. Repetition of â€Å"your† emphasizes that the homeless and the successful are no different. They may be different in social class but they are still the same in species. The images are also negative and focus the negative sides of the city. The sentences are also in a first person register RQ's is used to challenge and contradict on what we love The Heart Balloon –

Thursday, August 29, 2019

International Trade Theory Essay

7 theories of international trade: 1. Mercantilism 2. Absolute Advantage 3. Comparative Advantage 4. Heckscher-Ohlin Theory 5. Product Life-Cycle Theory 6. New Trade Theory 7. The Theory of National Competitive Advantage 1. Mercantilism -emerged in England in the mid-16th century. The main tenet of mercantilism was that it was in a country’s best interests more than it imported. Consistent with this belief, the mercantilist doctrine advocated government intervention to achieve a surplus in the balance of trade. To achieve this, imports were limited by tariffs and quotas, while exports were subsidized. The flaw with mercantilism was that it viewed trade as a zero-sum game. Zero-sum Game- is one in which a gain by one country results in a loss by another. 2. Absolute Advantage  -In his 1776 landmark book The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith attacked the mercantilist assumption that trade is a zero-sum game. He argued that countries differ in their ability to produce goods efficiently. According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of goods for which they have an absolute advantage and then trade these for goods produced by other countries. He added that a country should never produce goods at home that it can buy at a lower cost from other countries. Smith demonstrates that, by specializing in the production of goods in which each has an absolute advantage, both countries benefit by engaging in trade. 3. Comparative Advantage -In his 1817 book Principles of Political Economy, David Ricardo of Comparative Advantage Theory said that it makes sense for a country to specialize in the production of those goods that it produces most efficiently and to buy the goods that it produces less efficiently from other countries, even if this means buying goods from other countries that it could produce more efficiently itself. The basic message of this theory is that potential world production is greater with unrestricted free trade than it is with restricted trade. It suggests that consumers in all nations can consume more if there are no restrictions on the trade and that trade is a positive-sum game in which all countries that participate realize economic gains. Three of the assumptions in the comparative advantage model: 1. Resources move freely from the production of one good to another within a country. 2. There are constant returns to scale.  3. Trade does not change a country’s stock of resources or the efficiency with which those resources are utilized. The Samuelson Critique- looks at what happens when a rich country -the United States- enters into a free trade agreement with a poor country -China- that rapidly improves its productivity after the introduction of a free trade regime. 4. Heckscher- Ohlin Theory -Swedish economists Eli Heckscher (1919) and Bertil Ohlin (1933) put forward a different explanation of comparative advantage. They argued that comparative advantage arises from the differences in national factor endowments. Factor endowments meant the extent to which a country is endowed with such resources as land, labor, and capital. Nations have varying factor endowments, and these explain differences in factor costs; specifically, the more abundant a factor, the lower its cost. This theory predicts that countries will export those goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally abundant, while importing goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally scarce. This also argues that free is beneficial. But unlike Ricardo’s theory, this theory argues that the pattern of international trade is determined by differences in factor endowments, rather than differences in productivity. The Leontief Paradox- a famous study published in 1953 by Nobel Prize winner Wassily Leontief. The result of the study was at variance with the predictions of the Heckscher- Ohlin Theory. 5. The Product Life-Cycle Theory -this was originally proposed by Raymond Vernon in the mid-1960s. This theory tells us that where a new product was introduced is important. This theory suggests that early in their life cycle, most new products are produced in and exported from the country in which they were developed. As a new product becomes widely accepted internationally, production starts in other countries. As a result, the theory suggests, the product may ultimately be exported back to the country of its original innovation. 6. New Trade Theory -this was developed by economist Paul Krugman in 1980s who pointed out that the ability of firms to attain economies of scale might have important implications for international trade. Economies of scale are unit cost reductions associated with a large scale of output. They are a major source cost reductions in many industries. Two important points of the New Trade Theory: ïÆ'Ëœ First, through its impact on economies of scale, trade can increase the variety of goods available to consumers and decrease the average costs of those goods. ïÆ'Ëœ Second, in those industries when the output required to attain economies of scale represents a significant proportion of total world demand, the global market may only be able to support a small number of enterprises. Another theme of the New Trade Theory is that the pattern of trade we observe in the world economy may be the result of economies of scale and first mover advantages. The theory suggests that a country may predominate in the export of a good simply because it was lucky enough to have one or more firms among the first to produce that good. 7. The Theory of National Competitive Advantage: Porter’s Diamond -this was developed by Michael Porter in 1990. For him, the essential task was to  explain why a nation achieves international success in a particular industry. Four attributes that constitute the Porter’s Diamond: ïÆ'Ëœ Factor Endowments- a nation’s position in factors of production such as skilled labor or the infrastructure necessary to compete in a given industry. ïÆ'Ëœ Demand Conditions- the nature of home demand for the industry’s product or service. ïÆ'Ëœ Relating and supporting industries-the presence or absence of supplier industries and related industries that are internationally competitive. ïÆ'Ëœ Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry- the conditions governing how companies are created, organized, and managed and the nature of domestic rivalry. Porter argues that firms are more likely to succeed in industries where the diamond is most favorable. He also argues that the diamond is a mutually reinforcing system. The effect of one attribute is contingent on the state of others. IMPLICATIONS FOR MANAGERS The theories discussed have at least three main implications for international businesses: ïÆ'Ëœ Location Implications ïÆ'Ëœ First-mover Implications ïÆ'Ëœ Policy Implications

Network and Internet Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Network and Internet Security - Essay Example On the other hand, the single key encryption only uses a single secret key for both encryption and decryption of messages. A hybrid of the two that is single key and public key encryption is what the modern encryption model entails to help establish reliable secure sessions. According to De & Yung (2006, 127), session keys help enhance security of a system in cases where two parties have an encrypted connections to third party. By use of these session keys, the third party can deliver keys the other two parties on the encrypted links. Session keys are established by use of Diffie-Hellman key exchange which enables the secret exchange of keys between two users on a communication channel by the use of exchange algorithms. This way of key generation does not required the presence of a central authentication server or any key distribution center. These two users maintain a secured encrypted message through a partial share of information. Some data is privately stored while some is publicly given for the other party to use. Using exchange algorithms, the two parties can use the publicly aired data to encrypt hidden messages from senders on a crowded communication channel (De & Yung 2006, 127). User 1 computes the key using the public data given by user 2 and viceviser. Both calculations will eventually yield similar results indicating a common interpretation. Kerberos V4 uses session keys to help maintain a secured communication protocol (Bao, Deng & Zhou 2004, 30). Kerberos v4 are useful in verifying users at work places who would wish to access services within a network. Session keys use in Kerberos would restrict access only to identified and authorized users and would accurately authenticate requests for uses. These authentication procedures make the use of session keys become very relevant in Kerberos. It will be almost impossible for another side user to communicate with the server since the given session key is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Letters to the Editor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Letters to the Editor - Essay Example Junk foods are food containing high levels of fats and calories (Schreier & Hans-Ulrich 5). The continuous consumption of junk foods leads to fat accumulation in the body. Due to the slow rate of metabolism caused by junk food the body gains more weight. The accumulation of calorie and gaining of body weight leads to obesity (Schreier & Hans-Ulrich 5). Obesity has led to loss of lives. Weight gain caused by over consumption of junk food result to other disorders like cardiac problems, increase in the level of cholesterol, artery blockage, high pressure of the blood, loss of muscle mass, depression among others (Schreier & Hans-Ulrich 6). The consumption of junk food increases the level of cholesterol in the body. The increased level of cholesterol leads to the thickening of arteries and thus causing their blockage. The blockage of the arteries leads to high blood pressure which causes death (Schreier & Hans-Ulrich 6). The consumption of junk food causes many health problems alongside the mentioned few. According to the interview done in one of the United States hospitals, the results showed that many patients suffering from the mentioned disorders consume on junk food (Schreier & Hans-Ulrich 6). The citizens should be aware of the food they consume and the government should therefore implement regulations on the making and consumption of junk food (Schreier & Hans-Ulrich 6). The objection due to loss of employment cannot be measured by the value of life of individuals. Are you still consuming junk food? How can the health professionals make us believe that most of us suffer from health problems as a result of consuming the junk food? Junk food is cheap and can be accessed very easily making many people to rely on it as an alternative (Schreier & Hans-Ulrich 6). This has led to many health problems as shown by statistic. Some people argue that

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Immigration Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Immigration Debate - Essay Example This essay Immigration Debate discusses the issues of illegal immigrants and the corresponding US laws. Traditionally, immigrants to the U.S. were less likely than those born in America to collect welfare. This historic arrangement has radically changed over the past three decades. Today, immigrant families are at least 50 percent more likely to receive federal benefits than those born in this country. Additionally, immigrants are more likely to adapt their lives to rely on the welfare system and studies have shown the longer immi ¬grants stay in the U.S., the more likely they are to be on welfare. To further aggravate the situation, when an illegal immigrant becomes a citizen, he can legally bring his parents who also have the right to become citi ¬zens. Approximately half of current illegal immigrants do not possess a high-school level education. Welfare use among this group and for low-skill immigrants granted amnesty is three times the rate for the U.S. born citizens. The hea ted rhetoric of the immigration debate has caused many to become fearful that their standard of life will dramatically decrease if the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants are permitted to stay in the country, so much so that there is a growing movement to disallow citizen status to the children of illegal immigrants born in the U.S. The 14th Amendment addresses this issue. â€Å"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside†.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Reading notes Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Reading notes - Article Example Theodore cites the railroad business and Hollywood as two examples of businesses that have suffered the effects of myopia, also referred to as shortsightedness (Theodore, 2004). The invention of airplanes and cars pushed railway transport out of business, and they lost customers because they focused on the railroad business, and not the transportation business. They concentrated more on the product, railroad, rather than on their customers in the transportation business. Similarly, Hollywood concentrated in the movie business, rather than the entertainment business, which resulted in their fizzling out after the invention of television (Theodore, 2004). The two examples show that narrowing down the scope of a business is detrimental to growth. In the end, it makes a business susceptible to future competition. As population growth continues, so is the consumer base (Theodore, 2004. Management should focus on strategies that produce followers, in terms of customers. Largely, customer-creating and customer-satisfying strategies are relevant in virtually all sectors of the economy, and are more important than production strategies. The most important part in the article is that customers are the most significant asset of an organization, and managers must ensure they retain them through establishment of strategies that apply to their demands and are responsive of future

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Global business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Global business - Essay Example This discussion will focus on Barclay Card, specifically explicating theoretical approaches and business frameworks of global business that it has applied to enhance its competitive advantage in the global business financial arena. Over the last two decades, the credit card industry has been experiencing tremendous growth in terms of client base as well as technological advancement (Baack, 2011). Majority of financial service providers and consumer retail shops in developed nations have employed the use of credit and debit cards as a means of ensuring transaction efficiency. In the United Kingdom alone, a recent research indicated that it is one of the nations with the biggest card payment in the entire region of Europe, with a total of 30% card users out of the 73% card users in the region. The research also indicated that as at December 2013, approximately 90 million debit cards were circulated in the United Kingdom market (Dayson, 2014). By February this year, approximately 58 million credit as well as charge cards were being circulated in the United Kingdom market (Dayson, 2014). These statistics basically indicate how the application of credit, debit, and charge cards among others; have increased over the last few years. On the other hand, some financial institutions have taken initiatives geared towards not only providing credit card, debit or charge card services locally, but also in international markets. An example of such services is provided by the Barclay Card: The Barclay Card is a financial credit card offered by the Barclays Bank of the United Kingdom as retail and business banking. As a multinational bank, it has been in operation for a period of approximately 30 decades since 1690. Apart from the provision of credit cards, the Barclays Banks is a universal bank focusing on provision of; mortgage lending, management of wealth, investment management, and wholesale as well as retail

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) - Essay Example Even after retirement, he remained active and productive. The assassination of Malcolm X became the turning point of his life where he changed his name to Amiri Baraka and dissolved his marriage to Hettie Cohen. He became a leader of Newark’s African-American community. Amiri Baraka was well known for his writing. He used his popularity as a way of defending the weak from social injustices (Koolish, 2001). Through poems, plays, fiction, and essays, he showed his leadership by condemning oppression and racial injustice of the African American community in the United States (Epstein, 2006). Through his works and words, Baraka was able to he was able to promote drama created by African American playwrights and performed for the African American audience that showed African American issues (Baraka, 1995). For example, his two plays The Toilet and The Slave which were both written in the year 1962 showed his mistrust and hostility towards the white society. His award winning production, Dutchman, showed the damage that America inflicts on African men (Baraka, 2000). In 1960s racial discrimination against African Americans was still high. Many black leaders started to rethink their goals, while dome embraced more militant ideologies of self-defense and separatism (Lie, 2006). The struggle for civil rights was high aimed at drawing the attention of the nation to the brutality and injustice that African Americans faced. Even though the economic situation was good in the country, many blacks lived under poverty which was evident in many black urban neighborhoods. Leadership is the ability of a person to lead a group of people or a team to achieve specific task (Northouse, 2012). After studying Amiri Baraka, it is clear that leadership is an in built quality. It can also be attained through an individual’s experience which inspires the leader (OSullivan, 2009). Leadership cannot be learnt by simply reading about it but it is something that someone gets

Friday, August 23, 2019

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND POLITICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND POLITICS - Essay Example The term of imperialism is usually applied when speaking about such countries as the United Kingdom, the USA, Japan, Italy, Spain and France of the 19th century. In that time these countries were trying to found empires by owning areas in Africa. This process is known as â€Å"the Scramble for Africa†. In his work dated 1916 â€Å"Imperialism, the Highest stage of Capitalism† Lenin wrote about the importance of building the strong capitalist empire that will treat other nations and will have enough power to take decisions on the world arena. According to him, imperialism implies the domination of the developed countries over the underdeveloped ones (such as African counties). Though it must be mentioned that empire-building and the desire to capture other lands has always been in the history, the Lenin’s imperialism was a specific one because of the capitalist basis. Capitalism is founded on the idea that all the power is possessed by private owners and capital s tands for the key element in the economic system. Within the turn of the 19th century the capitalism in such countries as France, Japan, the USA and the UK was characterized by a great number of monopolies. Lenin wrote in his manifest that the small privately owned companies that were the key factor of the nation prosperity according to Karl Marx were to be replaced by the big monopolies that would have fewer owners, and in other words, fewer people controlling it. Such giants of production or other business controlled the whole nation with the help of the power that capital gave to them. The thing is that the dominant elements of the economy â€Å"capital, land and wealth were concentrated in the hands of the few† (Greene, 1970). Lenin wrote: "if it was necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism" (Greene, 1970). So, when the economy of one country strives for monopoly, it leads to the decrease of competition. In a while such situation in one state can project to the international arena. In order to secure the power, capital and their ownership those few people needed the support of the state. Any security implies heavy spending on military forces. According to Lenin’s theory, the monopolization of the capital leads to the army strengthening. The rate of a country’s security depended on its army and navy forces, and it in its turn depended on the industrial production that provided these departments. As a result the interests of monopolies and state linked together and there appeared tough interdependence. According to Bukharin, the counterpart of Lenin, the monopolization of economy leads to its internationalization, though this internationalization was to be slowed by the armed nations that protected their ownership and capital violently. Therefore, there was the necessity for a state to cooperate with other countries, but it was to be done carefully in order not to risk the state security. As Lenin explained, "Capitalism's transition to the stage of monopoly capitalism, to finance capital, is connected with the intensification of the struggle for the partitioning of the world" (Warren, 1980). As mentioned above the new wave of imperialism based on capitalism was founded on the scramble for weak counties in order to provide

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Kite Runner Themes Essay Example for Free

Kite Runner Themes Essay Baba expresses a great deal of pride and attachment to the afghan culture so the move to America fills Amir and himself with a loss of heritage and identity. The escape from the previous culture however allows Amir to escape the incident of rape upon his best friend Hassan which has left a bad taste on his childhood. In America Amir doesn’t turn away from his Middle Eastern culture, and asks Soraya’s father, the general for permission to marry her even though he spurns it slightly by talking to her privately without consent. Amir towards the end, becomes proud of his blended culture. Although he enjoys visiting Pakistan, eating the traditional food and hearing references to childhood legends, he also likes the feeling of hope and freedom he gained from America. Social Inequality From childhood, Amir recognizes the difference in social standing between himself and best friend Hassan. As a Pashtun, Amir enjoys privileges of being a higher class and his father being a successful man whereas Hassan is poor and he and his father face prejudice from people every day. Despite this, Hassan and Ali are content with their lower class life and are good natured human beings. Hosseini is trying to convey that your social standing in society does not determine what kind of person you are and if you are better than someone else. You can only truly be better than someone else morally and having saint-like characteristics. During Amir and Hassan childhood, they’re differences of social class are conveyed by living standards, Hassan being illiterate and physical appearances. These are individually important but as a whole they all convey irony in the fact that it is Hassan who is content with life and Amir who is not. Later in the novel, Hazara prejudice which is taken to the extreme as they are massacred and abused by Taliban officials, such as Assef. When Sohrab returns with Amir to America, Amir is quick to dispel any mention of class as he believes it is has influenced his and Sohrab’s life too greatly and he perhaps finally sees them as his equals which he was afraid to do so as a child(never referring to Hassan as his friend). Personal Responsibility Many of the actions of the main character stem from personal responsibility. Baba takes on the responsibility of Ali from his father, who took him in when he was a child. He lets Ali and his son work for him, offers them shelter and food; making them feel part employees and part family. Air later realises this ‘personal responsibility’ baba showed for Ali may stem from his guilt of betraying Ali and fathering Hassan. Amir feels responsible for all the bad occurrences which happened to Hassan and his father. He feels many of the events which occurred later in the novel are down to him being too cowardly to prevent Hassan being raped. Though many suffer from the Taliban’s ruthlessness, he believes the events that happened to Hassan’s family are his responsibility/fault. The feeling of responsibility is what drives Amir to return to Afghanistan, to rescue Sohrab. Rahim Khan plants this idea in Amir’s head and suggests this is the way to achieve closure and absolution for the past. After he rescues Sohrab, Amir feels responsible for the boy in a different way and wants to protect him from anymore pain; furthermore, he sees Sohrab as a way to fill the emptiness in the marriage from his and Sorayas infidelity. Identity and Self- discovery Throughout the novel the protagonist struggles to find his true purpose and find his identity through noble actions. Amir’s failure to be loyal to his friend at such a crucial moment defines this conflict. His endeavour to overcome his own weaknesses appear in confronting Assef, returning to a war torn country oppressed by the Taliban and even his carsickness whilst during with Farid. The revelation of baba later in chapter 17, allows Amir to discover who his father really was and how alike they were in terms of betraying people who loved and were loyal to the end to them. The return to Afghanistan allows Amir to find out the type of man he can become and to confront his past which he has so desperately tried to bottle up. Family, Fathers and Fatherhood Family relationships play a great part in this novel but mothers are strikingly absent. Amir and Hassan grow up without their mothers and this is exemplified through the tension of Baba’s treatment of his sons. He makes it clear he is disappointed Amir is bookish, cowardly to protect his social standing and stick up for Hassan whilst on the other hand, he never publically acknowledges Hassan as his own son- although he shows a great deal of affection to Hassan. Likewise, General Taheri is a similar traditional, highly critical father who chafes his daughter for rebellious behaviour. The theme of family is then reintroduced when Amir and Soraya are unsuccessful in starting their own- punishment perhaps for their pasts or that Amir has yet to face up to his. The adoption of the troubled Sohrab however, provides them with the attempt to begin a complete family based on love and honesty. Journey and Quest The novel is mostly based around Amirs departure from Afghanistan as a young teenager and his return as a middle aged man to the war-torn country. At the same time, it is a symbolic quest. Amir makes great sacrifices to pursue his quest to atone for past sins by rescuing his nephew Sohrab in the hands of the Taliban. Symbolised at the beginning of the novel with Amir cutting his fingers with the kite string in order to sacrifice himself for his father’s love, sacrifice plays a big theme also. Amir towards the end of the novel again, willingly cuts his fingers, to revive his spiritually wounded nephew who is suffering from depression. By the end of the novel, this significant symbol of sacrifice shows how much Amir has morally developed as he is willing to sacrifice much in order to save Sohrab from a similar fate and to protect him. The most part of the novel is Amir hiding from his past and by returning to Kabul he is taking that all important journey to have complete redemption. Political power and Abuse The events of the novel occur against the backdrop of political change, the rise of the Taliban government. Assef, Hassans rapist and bully, who becomes a high ranking Taliban officer, embodies the consequence of abuse of power and violence and oppression caused by the Taliban. Assef is a sociopath who thrives in the atmosphere of chaos. Interpersonal violence leads to the split of Hassan and Amir; on a national scale the abuse of power by communist backed soviets results in massacres and Afghanistan forces to go into exile. The abuse of power and abuse is an important reference to how the hazara’s have been treated. From humiliation at the beginning of the novel for their looks to being massacred and horrifically abused. When General Taheri demands an explanation for their adoption of Sohrab, he echoes the discrimination against this entire ethnic minority and in a sense, Baba also condones the attitude towards Hazara’s by not admitting that he fathered a Hazara son. Kites After Hassan gets raped while running his kite, Amir cannot separate kite fighting and running from his own betrayal and cowardice. Therefore, even after all of his injuries and trials on Sohrabs behalf, it is the act of kite running that finally makes him feel redeemed. Beyond their significance to the plot, kites have multiple layers of symbolism in the story. One of these layers involves the class difference between Amir and Hassan, which largely dictates and limits their relationship. In kite fighting, one boy controls the kite while the other assists by feeding the string. Just as Hassan makes Amirs breakfast, folds his clothes, and cleans his room, so does he cater to Amir in kite tournaments. Even though Hassan shares in the excitement of kite fighting, he does not actually have control over the kite. Hassan may help the kite lift-and-dive, but Amir is the one who claims a victory. Hassan may catch a cherished rival kite and hold it in his arms, but always to bring it back to Amir, to whom it then belongs. His joy is vicarious, just like his experience of wealth and privilege while living in Babas household. In order to free himself of selfishness and cowardice, Amir must go from being merely a kite fighter-someone who seeks glory-to a kite runner, someone who genuinely does things for others. The activity of kite fighting is violent by nature. The kites battle and so too do the children flying them. The string, which is covered in ground glass, carves deep gashes into the fliers hands as they try to cut each other down, and once kites fall out of the sky, the kite runners retrieve them with the same furious determination as, say, a hunting dog does a slain bird. In its violence, kite fighting represents the conflicts that rage Afghanistan nearly throughout the course of the novel. When Hosseini paints us a picture of hundreds of kites trying haphazardly and with great determination to cut each other down, he shows us also the warring factions of Afghanistan overthrowing one another. At the same time kite fighting is violent, the mere act of kite flying is innocent and speaks of freedom. Amir and Hassan do not have control over the differences between them; in fact, they are both the victims of a lie, and their relationship would have been different had they known they were brothers. Yet despite their differences and the symbolism of their respective kite-fighting roles, flying kites is an activity that brings the boys together. For a moment, they are part of a team. For many years, Amir feels as though he and Hassan are adversaries for Babas love. After the rape, Hassans very existence infuriates Amir because it reminds him of his cowardice. Despite all this, when the boys fly kites together, they are on the same team. They are more like brothers then than perhaps any other time, because the activity is somewhat mutual. It allows them to momentarily escape their differences and enjoy a shared sense of exhilaration and freedom.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Language as a Powerful Mind Control Weapon Essay Example for Free

Language as a Powerful Mind Control Weapon Essay Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) is a classic dystopian novel by English author George Orwell. Akin to the latter’s earlier work, Animal Farm (1945), Nineteen Eighty-Four is a cautionary tale about the dangers of totalitarianism. The novel’s main character, Winston Smith, is a civil servant tasked with disseminating government propaganda through the forging of records and political literature. Disillusioned with such a mechanistic existence, Smith begins an uprising against the regime – a move which later resulted in his incarceration and torture. The esteem of Nineteen Eighty-Four can be attributed mainly to its frank and vivid portrayal of the perpetuation of the status quo at the expense of individual rights (Gearon 65). Many of the novel’s terminologies and ideas, such as â€Å"doublethink,† â€Å"Orwellian,† â€Å"Newspeak† and â€Å"Big Brother,† eventually acquired secure places in the English language (Trahair 289). At present, some thinkers even use these expressions and concepts to criticize repressive government policies. The term â€Å"Orwellian,† for instance, is currently an idiom that refers to any form of normalcy that closely resembles the Party (Cameron 151). One of Orwell’s major arguments in the novel is that language is the totalitarian government’s most powerful weapon of mind control. Through the usage of deceptive language and propaganda, as well as the modification of language, the Party was able to manipulate the thoughts and beliefs of the citizens of Oceania. Newspeak was the Party’s primary means of misleading the citizens of Oceania (Thomas, Singh, Peccei, Jones and Wareing 39). It was a corrupted form of Standard English (known in the novel as Oldspeak) that reflected the principles of Ingsoc. â€Å"Undesirable† words were eliminated from the lingua franca, while those that were retained were stripped of â€Å"unorthodox† denotations (Ji 1). Consequently, it became impossible to develop other modes of thought in Newspeak (Orwell 144). Newspeak was more than just a language – it was the â€Å"(embodiment) of the totalitarian (mindset) of the Party members† (Gerovitch 12). To accommodate alternate views would increase the possibility of encountering â€Å"heretical† thoughts (Gerovitch 13). It is no longer surprising, therefore, if the Party required all inhabitants of Oceania to use Newspeak – doing so was a very convenient way of indoctrinating them with Ingsoc beliefs. The immense power of language to control the mind is not a fictional phenomenon. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis (n. d. ) argued that language determined how human beings perceived their environment (Thomas, Singh, Peccei, Jones and Wareing 39). This assumption is composed of two parts – linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism. Linguistic relativity theorized that the languages of different cultures do not necessarily have equivalent systems of representation. Linguistic determinism, meanwhile, asserted that a language not only reflected certain aspects of reality but also influenced the speaker’s thought process (Thomas, Singh, Peccei, Jones and Wareing 25). It would be fair to say that the premise behind the development and usage of Newspeak was based on the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. In the novel’s appendix, it is revealed that Ingsoc was originally known as English Socialism (Orwell 143). But during the time of English Socialism, people spoke Standard English. Consequently, they were exposed to radical ideas that inspired them to turn against the Party (Ji 1). In retaliation, the Party silenced them through punishment and terror (Ji 1). The Party eventually viewed the period of English Socialism as one that was characterized with violence and lawlessness. Standard English, meanwhile, was regarded as a relic of an anarchic past that must be discarded at all costs. The Party even set a year in which they expected Standard English to be already nonexistent – 2050 (Orwell 143). In the appendix of the novel, Orwell wrote the Party’s ultimate dream – a society wherein everyone accepted the official ideology even without the threat of punishment and terror (Ji 1). This was only possible, however, if they had no access to subversive ideas. It must be noted that in the context of the novel, Standard English was regarded as the source of dissident concepts. The Party therefore realized that Standard English must be replaced with a singular and specially contrived language – Newspeak. When people spoke, heard, read and wrote only in Newspeak, they could be kept under control even without outright state persecution (Ji 1). Newspeak was the official language of Oceania and had been devised to meet the ideological needs of Ingsoc, or English Socialism. In the year 1984 there was not as yet anyone who used Newspeak as his sole means of communication, either in speech or writing. The leading articles in The Times were written in it, but this was a tour de force which could only be carried out by a specialist. It was expected that Newspeak would have finally superseded Oldspeak (or Standard English, as we should call it) by about the year 2050. (143) The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the (worldview) and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought – that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc – should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meanings and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words and by stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings, and so far as possible of all secondary meanings whatever. To give a single example. The word free still existed in Newspeak, but it could only be used in such statements as â€Å"This dog is free from lice† or â€Å"This field is free from weeds. † It could not be used in its old sense of â€Å"politically free† or â€Å"intellectually free† since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed even as concepts, and were therefore of necessity nameless. (144) A person growing up with Newspeak as his sole language would no more know that equal had once had the secondary meaning of â€Å"politically equal,† or that free had once meant â€Å"intellectually free,† than for instance, a person who had never heard of chess would be aware of the secondary meanings attaching to queen and rook. There would be many crimes and errors which it would be beyond his power to commit, simply because they were nameless and therefore unimaginable. (148-149) This ambition, however, was not without serious consequences. The individual rights of the people of Oceania were severely violated. They constantly lived in fear of government reprisal – landscapes across London were bombarded with posters of â€Å"Big Brother† with the caption â€Å"Big Brother is Watching You† (Orwell 1). Two-way television sets – telescreens – were installed in all homes and public establishments in order to monitor the populace for any sign of subversive activity (thoughtcrime). Worse, the Party encouraged everyone to spy on one another. Even children were ordered to report their parents to the authorities (Thought Police) if they caught them committing a thoughtcrime. Winston Smith was among those who paid the ultimate price. Upon his arrest, he was taken to the Ministry of Love, where he was subjected to electroshock torture. Winston was afterwards taken to the infamous Room 101, where a prisoner was tortured by being exposed to his or her greatest fear. Winston’s primal fear was rats – he was therefore tortured by having a wire cage full of starving rats brought near to his face. Petrified, Winston finally accepts Party ideology and was later released as a brainwashed individual. Sadly, it is obvious that Orwell’s warning in Nineteen Eighty-Four went unheeded. At present, there are still so many societies wherein people are stripped of their basic rights and liberties. What is more saddening is that some of the parties who are guilty of this wrongdoing are actually claiming that they are staunch advocates of freedom, justice and equality. They use elaborate propaganda to proclaim their â€Å"advocacy† while acting in a completely opposite manner. The Party used language in order to keep the people of Oceania silent, ignorant and oppressed. In doing so, the former proved that evil prospers where good is silent. Orwell, on the other hand, used words in order to expose and fight this atrocity. In doing so, he proved that the pen is mightier than the sword. Works Cited Cameron, Deborah. Verbal Hygiene. New York: Routledge, 1995. Gearon, Liam. Freedom of Expression and Human Rights: Historical, Literary and Political Contexts. Eastbourne: Sussex Academic Press, 2006. Gerovitch, Slava. From Newspeak to Cyberspeak: A History of Soviet Cybernetics. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004. Ji, Fengyuan. Linguistic Engineering: Language and Politics in Mao’s China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2004. Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four. n. p. : n. d. Thomas, Linda, Ishtla Singh, Jean Stilwell Peccei, Jason Jones, and Shan Wareing. Language, Society and Power: An Introduction. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2004. Trahair, R. C. S. Utopia and Utopians: A Historical Dictionary. Santa Barbara: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999.

Globalization in the Gulf Cooperation Council

Globalization in the Gulf Cooperation Council Chapter 3 Globalization in the GCC: a political and economic analysis Political Aspect The creation of the GCC was a direct result of regional political events of that time. The idea of the need for the union of the major independent states of the gulf had been floating around since the early 1970s. Three main reasons leading to the formation of the gulf cooperation council included: Border disputes between Arab states and the royal families. The Iranian revolution The invasion of Iran by the Soviet Union. The Gulf States apart from Saudi Arabia are small population states. First we look into border disputes. The creation of Bahrain and Kuwait was lead to the demarcation of boundaries which the families Arab ruling families did not like. The strained relations were held together only by their common links religion and language. The ruling families had close bonds with families of other states and therefore they did not like the idea of having to confine their selves to a border (Bà ©atrice Maalouf, 2006). Secondly, the Arab peninsula felt safe from Iran as long as the Shah of Iran was in control. This was because America (an Arab friend) was dictating the policies of Iran during the shah’s rule. After the Iranian revolution, came the religious leaders. They had a different set of ideology and religious beliefs than the Arab states. Since Iran was a regional military strength, this further made the Gulf States insecure and further highlighted the need for a united front by the Arab peninsula (Bà ©atrice Maalouf, 2006). Lastly, the invasion of a Muslim Afghanistan by the atheist Soviet Union was viewed as a threat as Yemen was also a socialist country and capture of Afghanistan meant that the communists were gaining strength and this was another form of insecurity for the region as the Arab states had supported the USA in the cold war which made them rivals of the Soviet empire. The Soviet threat had to be faced collectively and therefore it was imperative that a union of the Arab states be created. The last straw was the Iran- Iraq war which started in 1980. It affected trade routes of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Also Iraq, which was a friendly Arab country, was being affected. And this threat needed to be faced collectively, therefore in 1981, the Gulf States, united themselves in the form of GCC (Bà ©atrice Maalouf, 2006). The charter known as the cooperation council charter was signed by all the member states, including Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and Oman. The charter listed cultural, social and political and economic reasons along with commonality of religion, language and customs for this union. The articles in the charter defined the need to develop independence and self sustainability in political, economic and financial affairs (Bà ©atrice Maalouf, 2006). Since the creation of the council, the GCC has gradually tried to instill its authority in the region and work for change for the betterment of the states. The council states have developed at remarkable pace in the fields of media technology, developmental projects, financial institutions and security of the region (Bà ©atrice Maalouf, 2006). The first visible of the impact of the unified common GCC policy was visible globally during the Iraq invasion of Kuwait in 1990. The council made possible it’s liberation, through the help of the world’s help, The council called for a meeting of the organization of the Islamic conference (OIC) and this lead to GCC requesting for and then passing resolution in the united nation’s security council, UNSCR 660 (1990). The council since the 1990 has tried to help in conflicts resolution in many countries, including Somalia, Palestine Israel, Lebanon Israel etc. the GCC is also in the forefront in helping the countries in need of economic aid for rebuilding. The countries insisted on the rebuilding of Iraq through donations, On the country basis, the GCC have planned free trade agreements with China, Pakistan and India. They already have FTAs with Lebanon, Turkey and Syria in the region and Japan in the East Asian region. The GCC also has signed pacts and agreements with regional organizations like the European Union (EU). The EU and the GCC have signed declarations of cooperation with each other and are working toward a FTA (Bà ©atrice Maalouf, 2006). Non-governmental, international and regional organizations The economic and developmental transformation of the GCC countries along with other Arab countries of the region has been due to assistance from international institutions and donor agencies of the region. These agencies have been providing, financial, technical and organizational help to the states for formulating better strategies for stable development of the Arab states specifically and the gulf region in general. The United Arab Emirates has enough financial capital for funding the preparation of NES and NEAP. Even so, the gulf state has been seeking and receiving technical help from international and regional organizations in order to ensure that their developmental programs are stable and sustainable. To ensure stable growth and development in the gulf and Arab countries, availability of financial assistance is important, especially for countries not exporting oil (Khordagui H, 2004). â€Å"International donor organizations working in the region include: Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Arab Fund for Economic and social Development (AFESD) Kuwaiti Fund for Development (KFD). † (Khordagui H, (2004). Apart from development on the infrastructure level, certain organizations have been providing the gulf countries with help in a wide range of activities including capacity building, legislative drafting, policy analysis etc. Usually the assistance concerning the capacity building assistance measures is being undertaken by the regional organizations in order for there to be regional benefits of these national initiatives (Khordagui H, 2004). â€Å"These institutions include: â€Å"METAP: a cooperative initiative between the Commission, the European Investment Bank, UNDP (the Arab Bureau the Capacity 21 Unit), the WB – has provided capacity building assistance to the Mediterranean region for nearly the past decade† (Khordagui H, 2004). â€Å"Med-Policies Initiative – part of the METAP program, but funded by the WB in coordination with ESCWA – is building national capacity regional awareness on economic environmental policy-making† (Khordagui H, 2004). â€Å"The Center for Environment and Development in the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) is an independent, nonprofit regional institution is working to increase the capacity of national institution to enhance environmental management and SD† (Khordagui H, 2004). Social Development and Civic Society Saudi Arabia is the biggest member of the GCC. It has the largest population and the biggest oil reserves. Therefore one would expect that with all in the capital inflow, political reforms would follow and that would lead to maturation of the state toward a free society. In Saudi Arabia, monarchy rules the state. There is no parliamentary system and there were not political parties, trade unions or voluntary associations before 2003. There is a counsel of chambers of commerce and it acts as an umbrella between the government and the society as a whole (Democratic governance Arabia, 2008). â€Å"The UAE is fast becoming the economic hub of the GCC. Therefore there needs to be civic reform and State’s institutional development needs to be the foremost priority of the state. There can be no assembly of public nature without prior government’s approval. The first human rights organization was first formed in the country in 2006. Its founding members include people of diverse professions from far corners of the society.† (Democratic governance Arabia, 2008) Political parties are still illegal in the kingdom. Any person or organization which tries of voice an opinion against which is against or different from that of the monarchy is quickly shut down. There are two opposition movements working from outside Saudi Arabia. These include the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights (CDLR) and the Movement for Islamic Reform (MIRA), in Saudi Arabia. Activists who attempted to demonstrate in a peaceful manner against the monarchy were arrested and their activities deemed unislamic (Democratic governance Arabia, 2008). In order to conform to the rest of the world and also due to the internal needs and external pressures led the Saudi government to initiate the civil society creations in the kingdom in 2003. Unlike Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates are governed by both a traditional as well as a modern form of a government. The UAE is at an advanced level of institutionalizing their government departments. The political system of UAE can be thought of a flexible system conforming and adaptive to the democratic ways of governance. The UAE does not allow the existence of political parties per say, but the ruling elite and their positions in the government are determined even today by their positions in their respective tribes and dynasties. In order to keep their authority and position the rulers are required to ensure that they retain the people’s loyalty which has to be ensured by keeping with the principle that the people should have easy access to the rulers and they could voice their opinion or grievances in meetings. This tradition of holding assembly of citizen’s frequently is still active today and ensures that people are not neglected. Decisions made in these meetings sometimes even determine policy changes at the highest levels. On the other side, the modern institutions are capable of dealing with more complex and large scale problems and concerning the state. Therefore the dual mode of governance in the UAE has molded itself in the past decades to optimally suite the citizens of the state as well as the state itself (Democratic governance Arabia, 2008). The Saudi Journalist’s association was founded to look after the interests of the journalists of the country, it is mostly an independent organization and works without any governmental interference. A media regulatory authority has been in place since 1982 in Saudi Arabia. Even though the print and the television media is well developed and well circulated in the kingdom, it is mostly government regulated. The ministry of information has the authority to appoint the editor in chief of all the circulating newspapers and can remove anyone they feel does not conform to their standards. Moreover, the government owned Saudi Press Agency and the ministry of information control the print and the Broadcast media. An independent organization to look after the human rights abuses paved its way into formation in 2004 in the kingdom. It is called The National society for Human rights and it has the job of keeping track of abuses related to employment, judiciary, domestic violence, prisons etc. There has been a history of complaints in the gulf about the human rights abuses related to non payment of wages to the workers and maid, mal treatment sexual harassment. Since 2005, the ministry of labor of Saudi Arabia announced that it was ready to receive complaints of the above mentioned nature from anyone and would be ready to prosecute anyone found guilty of the offense (Democratic governance Arabia, 2008). Unlike Saudi Arabia, UAE does not posses any human rights groups and independent trade unions are still banned in the state, its chamber of commerce and UAE Women’s Federation are umbrella organizations with the responsibility to keep checks and balances of all sorts. The latter is assigned to prepare the women population, which makes constitutes a larger chuck of the population, to face the challenges of the 21st century and to train them to become active participants in the society (Democratic governance Arabia, 2008). The gulf countries are enjoying economic boom from the high oil prices and they are taking advantage of this by using this capital for development of their respective states and region in general. Local and international corporate businesses have established themselves well into the societies. With this comes corporate social responsibility. This means that businesses have the responsibility to encourage and participate in any way they can, in the social development of the region. The term corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be explained as the commitment by the corporate sector to behave in an ethical manner and participate in the economic development along with providing a better quality of life for the workforce, their families and the society at large (Democratic governance Arabia, 2008). â€Å"In the GCC, although there are initiatives of corporate contribution to the society as a whole, there is still a greater need of formalizing it to ensure that the pace of development in the education, health, and housing and environment sectors is improved on sustainable grounds. A major factor in CSR activities is the governments strategy. There are governments within the GCC region that feel that social sectors such as education, health, housing and environment are the sole responsibility of the governments or rulers, resulting in little effort by the corporate sector in these areas. A very relevant example of this is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the largest country within the GCC, where there are hardly any well-managed CSR initiatives† (Giving Back: Corporate Social Responsibility in the GCC, 2007). Political Reforms The political systems of the gulf countries are in their infancies. Neil Patrick a senior analyst noted in a seminar about political reform in 2006, that there was a need to identity and treat all the GCC countries individually and recognize that the political structures and in different stages of maturation in each of these countries. For example, political reforms were first initiated by Kuwait, and currently, the have a well established working parliament. In contrast, the UAE has only recently started raising the idea of electoral participation. Other countries including Oman, Qatar and Bahrain etc all have political councils, whose members are usually sheikhs or members of the royal families. These councils are mostly advisory councils with limited mandates (Political Reform in GCC countries, 2006). Historically the infrastructure and organization required for the development and reform have been absent from the GCC states and royal families have been the only rulers in most of these states. According to Neil Patrick, the monarchies and the â€Å"Sheikdoms† operate in away in which taxing the citizens have become very difficult. They continue to use the earnings from the oil profits to satisfy the civilian population and run the state and this ensures at least in the short term that their rule will not be challenged. As the society within these countries has become more and more educated, and as the states have gradually opened up to the democratic world, the world, the need for change or reform has been seriously felt. Over the past couple of decades, the younger generations, unlike those of the past have become more educated, more aware of their rights as members of the society. This passive but steady demand for reform and more freedom has applying internal pressure on the ruling elite for change. On the other hand, opening up of the country for investment and development has lead to the democratic forces in the form of USA and the EU to exert multifaceted pressure on the Gulf States for democratization and liberalization. â€Å"Moreover, globalization, and particularly economic globalization, intensifies pressures on rulers to be more transparent and accountable in the administration of state resources† (Political Reform in GCC countries, 2006). It has been noted that over the past two decades, continued economic growth, wealth distribution and emergence of a middle classes with a strong voice has been the cause for gradual change towards liberalization and reform. â€Å"Economic change effectively creates alternative bases of power and constituencies that will contest the political status quo and claim a voice in the decision making process. It is therefore important to assess whether the distribution of rent in the Gulf States has led to an accumulation of wealth in a middle class with an interest in reform and enough power to begin making political demands† (Political Reform in GCC countries, 2006). Access to information International community has promoted information and communication technologies in the recent past as a means of providing a source of liberalization in the gulf countries. It has been thought that by integrating ICT in their developmental projects for these countries, the monopoly of the state on media and information control. The results although have been a success to some extent, but have failed to influence the society as the west once hoped. Case in point the spread of news channels like Al jazeera from Qatar. The coming on air of this and other channels has had an impact of providing the society with free uncensored and uninhibited view of the Arab views and feelings. The aim of the west was to ensure that the liberalization and opening up of the gulf would lead to the Gulf States, conforming to their west’s likings. This opening of the media has lead to voice to the civic society but their views of the west have not softened as the west had hoped. The governments still have control over other aspects of the information. This is clearly seen in the case of provision of the internet. Even though the states provide internet access, this is limited and poorly distributed. On the pretext of conserving cultural and religious values, the states like the Saudi Arabia have been exerting media filtration and censorship by using filtering software and denying access of any information which might influence their society’s view of them. The economic aspect Trade and investment liberalization Human development It has been long claimed that the gulf country rely heavily on their revenues from oil production to support them. Globalization is fast becoming the new reality in the GCC countries. This is has led to the gulf countries to tread on uncharted territory. The trend towards globalization and the threads attached to it can have an effect on the very lives of the citizens these countries cater for. Globalization can bring the promise of open markets and opportunities to have access to all the tools a country needs for development. On the other hand, globalization can also lead a country towards marginalization. â€Å"The relation between human development and globalization can be visualized in the following manner: the effects of globalization on a developing economy, such as the Arab Gulf countries, could be backwash effects or spread effects. The backwash effects means that globalization could contribute to and the source of human deprivation through processes of marginalization (of the country) and social exclusion (of individuals and groups based on social, ethnic, occupation/ skill, age or gender grounds)† (Jiyad, A. M, 1998). On the flip side, globalization can also lead to multitude of benefits. Globalization, through investment and production, can lead to jobs creation and greater choices for the public in terms of consumption and all of this can further enhance the human development. Globalization leads to foreign direct investment FDI, which in turn leads to capital inflow in the country and this can be used for developmental projects in a developing country. The steps towards globalization include: Liberalization of the local economy. Liberalization of state property ownership (privatization). Regionalization and multilateralism. Step 2 or privatization in the Arab countries has been a result of old as well as new policies. The privatization policy became a national policy in Oman in 1996. Information and communication revolution â€Å"The policies include provision related to what to privatize first (productive service sector), partial privatizations, transparency, competition, FDI, protection of the environment, public relation, and privatization proceeds. The guidelines include provisions related to bids selection, public offering, taxes, loans, employees and management†(Zineldin, M, 1998). The Saudi Arabia had been considering privatization and policy since early 90s. The 1990-1995 development plan envisioned a privatization process, a stock exchange for trading, privately owned construction and development companies, privatization some banks etc. In 1997 the ministry of commerce decided to expand the role played by the private industry in the kingdom’s economy by privatizing and selling government held assets worth more than $7 billion. The main aim for privatization and liberalization was to encourage private investment in the country’s economy, to provide lucrative opportunities for local as well as foreign companies to invest in domestic ventures. They also aimed to provide jobs to the ever increasing number youths in the country and to bring the unemployment rates down. They wanted to broaden and diversify the economic base and increase its markets competitiveness level to meet the standards set by the WTO for its membership (Jiyad, A. M, 1998). Abu Dhabi and the UAE have highlighted the need to privatize approximately 40 or so industries. After a study conducted by the World Bank, it recommended that Kuwait privatize at least 7 small enterprises, whose total vale was more than $3.6 billion. By 1995, Bahrain had also privatized at least partially, its, aluminum industry, small enterprises from the food manufacturing industry. Industrial investment by the private sector in this small state was more than $4.4 Billion by the end of 1996. (Jiyad, A. M, 1998). The campaign to private in order to make the institutions more efficient and productive has led to inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) in these countries. Oman, Dubai (UAE) and Bahrain etc have allowed their private investors to gain complete ownership of their investment and industry. (Jiyad, A. M, 1998). The past 3 decades have led to an unprecedented growth in the GCC countries. The cost oil per barrel has risen from $12 to $100 and beyond. The financial profits that have been gained from this boom as been used to modernize infrastructure, improve social indicators, develop infrastructures as well as maintain foreign currency reserves while keeping external debt at a low level. â€Å"Life expectancy in the GCC area increased by almost 10 years to 74 years during 1980–2000, and literacy rates increased by 20 percentage points to about 80 percent over the same period. Average per capita income in the GCC countries was estimated at about $12,000 in 2002, with their combined nominal GDP reaching close to $340 billion (more than half the GDP of all Middle Eastern countries†. (Fasano U and Iqbal Z, 2003). Globalization and Human development Globalization, through the process of privatization leading to increase in resource allotment and can lead to increased focus towards human development. Improvement and competition leads to increase in the standards in the health and education sector. Privatization in the education sector can lead to improvement it its standards and it can structurally transform itself to cater to the needs of the market. â€Å"In other words private involvement in education and health sectors could bring with it more investment, more competition, better service, and wider choices. Successful liberalization and privatization programs could also accelerate growth, boost domestic investment and attract foreign capital generate employment and increase (per capita) income† (Jiyad, A. M 1998). The performances of the GCC countries towards human development have been weak in the past few decades. Great progression was seen in the early 70s and 80s but investment towards human development seems to have become stagnant in the 90s. Case in point is Saudi Arabia which compared to the public spending of $81.4 billion in 1985, only spent $82.7 billion in 1995. This and other indicators like these demonstrate that investment in the future development of the people had been ignored in the decade of the 90s. † (Jiyad, A. M 1998). Another problem which still needs tending to is the increase in the population in most of the GC countries. The high growth rate along with increase of women in the work force due to opening up of the society in the GCC countries has produced another problem of unemployment. The GCC wok force is growing at a rate of 4% per year and if this keeps up, the unemployment rates will soon follow suite and create another burden on the society. The GCC countries have been trying to initiate and grow in the non oil industry sector to create jobs for its people and to be able to sustain their growth rates. †Government services in many GCC countries are provided free or at highly subsidized prices, particularly water and electricity, while non-oil taxation is low, consisting mainly of income tax on foreign corporations except in Oman, where local corporations are also taxed. Some of these countries have recorded overall fiscal deficits over the years, reflecting volatile global oil prices and relatively high levels of current expenditure† (Fasano U and Iqbal Z, 2003). This can be seen by the indicators in the following charts below. â€Å"All GCC countries share sound and well-supervised banking systems. Banks are well-capitalized and profitable. Their supervisory framework has been strengthened and is largely compliant with international standards and codes. Moreover, GCC countries have gradually taken a number of steps toward implementing a market-based monetary policy, though direct instruments (such as interest rate and credit ceilings) continue to play a role in a few of these countries.† (Fasano U and Iqbal Z, 2003). Deepening of the regional economic integration Even with their high visions and plans of development to create sustainable non oil based economic power houses, the GCC countries have fell short of their aims for the past decades. These goals can still be achieved. The key for realizing such gains is in the collective integration and regional advancement. These collaborations have to be inline with the WTO policies and regulations. Since the GCC countries already enjoy free trade agreements with each other, the next step would be in the form of creating custom union. This can be beneficial for the GCC countries involved in the union as well as during multilateral trade deals. Giving the world a single regional front can only be beneficial as this means that there will be unified tariffs across the countries. The negotiations with the WTO any aspects would be held through a collective front rather than of the members negotiating individually. (Yousif Khalifa Al-Yousif ) Other benefits that can be achieved by the GCC countries integrating themselves further include providing a unified local market to the world to deal with. This means that the smaller countries like Bahrain can gain access the behalf of large ones like Saudi Arabia into the western markets. Deepening ties will further lead to reduction in internal conflicts and maters of miniscule value. Since integration into a regional bloc like the GCC has already led to and will further lead to open access to each others markets therefore inter GCC trade will only allow the local industries to grow further and provide employment to local work force along with allow growth in the human development sector. Millennium goals indirectly leading to economic and developmental Stability The GCC countries are a bloc of wealthy countries on their way to regional integration and providing a unified and developed front to the goal. Therefore it is suitable for them to cater to and provide assistance to the less developed Arab countries in the region. The countries have set out goals for the future and are working towards them at a steady pace. Eradication of poverty: the spread of wealth even with the population of the GCC is unevenly distributed. The gulf countries are working hard to implement policies which would lead to ensuring that all the people are provided with food and shelter. This can be done by providing jobs. Broadening the industrial base is the priority. This will lead to creation of jobs for the people. In this way wealth can be spread and distributed evenly. Energy Accessibility and Efficiency â€Å"Despite the vast energy resources of the region, in 2003 only 78.6% of the Arab population had access to electricity, ranging from almost 100% in the GCC countries to under 8% in Low Developed Countries (LDC). The region’s overall energy efficiency (kilogram (kg) oil equivalent per $1,000 GDP (PPP)) has improved unevenly in the past decade. In 2002, the GCC countries reported the highest energy use (504 kg oil equivalent per $1,000 PPP), followed by those of the eastern (262 kg oil equivalent per $1,000 PPP) and the western (some 137 kg oil equivalent per $1,000 PPP). Data available data on energy use in the Arab LDCs are inadequate.† Regional Progress towards the Millennium Development Goals in the Arab Region (2006). Education: the literacy rate of the local population in some of the major GCC countries is quite low. Steps are being taken to ensure to ensure that that the new generation is provided with education to be able to work as a contributor for the development of the society and the country as a whole. Gender equality: it has been long an issue, that the Arab countries in general have a poor record for gender equality and women empowerment. The GCC countries have moved leaps and bounds from where they were a couple decades ago. Currently female integration is in every corner of the work place. Few of the major multinational companies are owned and run by business women in the gulf. Still female literacy rates are low and the gulf government’s aims for the near future are ensure that they become equal participants in the work force as they comprise around 50% of the total population. References and Bibliography Bà ©atrice Maalouf, (2006). The GCC: A Union to Be Reckoned With. Congress of the Czech Political Science Society in Olomouc [internet], Available from: [Accessed 4 April 2008]. Democratic governance Arabia (2008), United Nations Development Program. [Internet], Available from: [Accessed 4 April 2008]. Fasano U and Iqbal Z, (2003).GCC Countries: From Oil Dependence to Diversification. International Monetary Fund. [Internet], Available from: [Accessed 4 April 2008]. Figure 1, Fasano U and Iqbal Z, (2003).GCC Countries: From Oil Dependence to Diversification. International Monetary Fund. [Internet], Available from: [Accessed 4 April 2008]. Figure 2 Fasano U and Iqbal Z, (2003).GCC Countries: From Oil Dependence to Diversification. International Monetary Fund. [Internet], Available from: [Accessed 4 April 2008]. GIC Produces Comparative Data on GCC Economies Showing Solid Upturn in 1999 GDP. (2001),

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Female Sexuality & Desire in Chopins The Storm Essay -- Chopin Storm

Female Sexuality & Desire in Chopin's The Storm  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   In Kate Chopin's time traditional patriarchal notions about women and sexuality deemed sexual passion a negligible, even improper, aspect of women's lives. Yet Chopin boldly addresses a woman's sexual desire in her short story "The Storm". This story shockingly details a torrid extramarital sexual encounter between Calixta and Alcee` in the midst of a raging storm. While this story line could have been presented in a traditional light, perhaps as a lesson about the evils of uninhibited female sexuality, Chopin maintains a non-judgmental stance by refraining from moralizing about the sanctity of marriage or impropriety of Calixta's actions. In failing to condemn and even condoning Calixta's actions, as well acknowledging the existence and depth of sexual desire in women, Chopin imbues "The Storm" with a strong feminist tone and calls the very institution of marriage into question. The mere presence of Calixta's sexual desire and certainly its marked intensity make this story revolutionary in its feminist statement about female sexuality. Chopin uses the conceit of a thunderstorm to describe the development, peak, and ebbing of passion in the encounter between Calixta and Alcee`. At first, Calixta is unaware of the approaching storm, just as her sexual desire might be on an unconscious level; yet, as the storm approaches, Calixta grows warm and damp with perspiration. Chopin deliberately juxtaposes these two events when she writes that Calixta, "felt very warm...she unfastened her white saque at the throat. It began to grow dark and suddenly realizing the situation she got up and hurriedly went about closing windows and doors" (282). The gathering storm serves as ... ...s Chopin expresses in this story would certainly have seemed outrageous to her contemporary society and would have been grounds for an almost universal condemnation of Chopin and her work. She daringly celebrates female sexuality and uses this celebration as a feminist assertion about women's equal potentialities and rights to express themselves and experience pleasure. That "every one was happy" when the storm passed suggests that revolutionizing traditional concepts of gender and marriage will change everyone's, especially women's, lives for the better. Works Cited Chopin, Kate. "The Storm: A Sequel to 'The 'Cadian Ball'." Kate Chopin: The Awakening and Selected Stories. New York: Penguin, 1984. 281-86. Gilbert, Sandra M. "Introduction: The Second Coming of Aphrodite." Kate Chopin: The Awakening and Selected Stories. New York: Penguin, 1984. 7-33.   

Monday, August 19, 2019

What Good is Care Without Compassion? :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

What Good is Care Without Compassion? The AIDS hospice reeked from disease and neglect. On my first day there, after an hour of "training," I met Paul, a tall, emaciated, forty-year-old AIDS victim who was recovering from a stroke that had severely affected his speech. I took him to General Hospital for a long-overdue appointment. It had been weeks since he had been outside. After waiting for two and a half hours, he was called in and then needed to wait another two hours for his prescription. Hungry, I suggested we go and get some lunch. At first Paul resisted; he didn't want to accept the lunch offer. Estranged from his family and seemingly ignored by his friends, he wasn't used to anyone being kind to him - even though I was only talking about a Big Mac. When it arrived, Paul took his first bite. Suddenly, his face lit up with the biggest, most radiant smile. He was on top of the world because somebody bought him a hamburger. Amazing. So little bought so much. While elated that I had literally made Paul's day, the neg lect and emotional isolation from which he suffered disgusted me. This was a harsh side of medicine I had not seen before. Right then and there, I wondered, "Do I really want to go into medicine?" What had so upset me about my day with Paul? Before then nothing in my personal, academic, or volunteer experiences had shaken my single-minded commitment to medicine. Why was I so unprepared for what I saw? Was it the proximity of death, knowing Paul was terminal? No it couldn't have been. As a young boy in gutted Beirut I had experienced death time and time again. Was it the financial hardship of the hospice residents, the living from day to day? No, I dealt with that myself as a new immigrant and had even worked full-time during my first two years of college. Financial difficulty was no stranger to me. Neither financial distress nor the sight of death had deterred me. Before the day in the hospice, I only wanted to be a doctor. My interest in medicine had started out with an enjoyment of science. From general biology to advanced cellular/behavioral neuroscience, the study of the biological systems, especially the most complex of them all, the human body, has been a delightful journey with new discoveries in each new class.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Psychological Effects of Dormitory Architecture and Layout on Resid

The Psychological Effects of Dormitory Architecture and Layout on Residents For many students, part of the experience of going to college is living in university housing. With so many young people living in such facilities, it is certainly worth investigating how they affect their denizens from a psychological perspective. It is established that one's environment is a major determinant in one's emotional and mental state. This paper will focus on architectural elements, such as floorspace, room layout, and occupancy levels of University residence halls, and how said design elements enhance or impede human interaction and individual moods. In addition to a general overview of the principles of environmental psychology and how they are routinely ignored by Florida State University in their dormitory architecture, several residence halls will be considered and detailed separately. Of primary importance in dormitory design is the issue of privacy. In Designing Places for People, author C.M. Deasy states: Privacy is as important to dorm residents as it is to anyone else, but it is usually much harder to obtain. Dormitory or barracks living implies being surrounded by people. Being alone or sharing private time with someone else is normally not considered to be an option. If privacy is needed, it must be sought somewhere else. In this regard dormitories fail to provide for an important human need. (58) Unfortunately, few steps are being taken to improve upon this. It often falls to individual residents to develop a system by which they can each receive the necessary privacy. Even with the creation by those living in a residence unit of a system by which each individual can achieve privacy, it is hardly assure... would not prevent all instances of incompatible room or suitemates, it would weed out obvious mismatches, and probably raise the overall satisfaction levels of residents considerably. In the future, when constructing dorms, Florida State should most definitely use the suite configuration. It provides additional privacy in the form of semi-private bathrooms, and promotes socialization. As stated above, though, all residents of a suite must be able to tolerate one another, so careful screening in room assignment is critical. If any new dorms are constructed they should have at minimum 125 square feet. More, between 150 and 200 would be preferable. All of the information in this paper is only useful so long as someone uses it. It is the sincere hope of the author that the research and conclusions be put to good use by students and faculty alike.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Relationship between Satyagraha and Swaraj for Gandhi Essay

The word ‘Satya’ means ‘Truth’ and ‘Graha’ means ‘Force’, Satyagraha therefore means ‘Truth force’ or the force obtained by the practice of truth. The term Satyagraha is largely associated with non-violence. Gandhi advocated Satyagraha as a means to attain ‘Swaraj’ or ‘self-governance’. Satyagraha is a political philosophy propagated and practiced by Gandhi and his followers. The practitioners of this philosophy are called ‘satyagrahis’. The satyagrahis are guided by the principles advocated by Gandhi based on Yoga Sutra; non-violence, truth, non-stealing, chastity, non-possession and fearlessness. The essential elements of Satyagraha are civil-disobedience and non-cooperation as a means to attain freedom. Civil-disobedience entailed breaking a law which is found as unjust and courting arrest. Non-co-operation meant â€Å"refusing to co-operate with the opponent, refusing to submit to the injustice being fought† (What is Satyagraha? ). â€Å"Gandhiji felt that laws which were totally against the welfare of the people could be fought peacefully by organizing mass-protests in a civil way’ (Jyotsna Kamat) The basic principles of Satyagraha are essentially based on non-violence. It is observed as a basic fact that violence brings more violence. Violence causes destruction, damage to people and property and any violent protest, even for a right cause, invariably leaves a negative mark on the society. Non-violence on the contrary is free from the negative aspects of violence, yet non-violent protests send a very strong message and are successful. Gandhi believed that by demonstrating protests in a non-violent manner it is possible to completely transform the antagonist and effect a positive change. He believed that transformation in the antagonist mindset can only be brought about by non-violent means. He worked to ‘convert’ the antagonist, to truly transform him from within which forms the core values of Satyagraha. Thus the political philosophy of Satyagraha with non-violence as its essence is an ideology that came to be widely accepted and practiced. It is a concept that has been instrumental to the independence of India. The concept of ‘civilized’ protests with no damage to public property and protesting without resorting to violence of any sort is commendable. Gandhi’s idea of civil disobedience and civil non-cooperation emphasizes a respect for the general rule of the law and is focused on protesting only against any law that is felt as unjust. â€Å"Swaraj lays stress on governance not by a hierarchical government, but self governance through individuals and community building. The focus is on political decentralization† (Wikipedia). The basic idea of Swaraj was to evolve a political system where the power ultimately lies in the hands of the people, building a government ‘for the people and by the people’. â€Å"The real goal of the freedom struggle was not only to secure political azadi (independence) from Britain, but rather to gain true swaraj (liberation and self-rule)† (What is Swaraj?) as Gandhi explains â€Å"It is Swaraj when we learn to rule ourselves†. Swaraj is Gandhi’s endeavor to build a political system where the common man is empowered and he had a spiritual outlook towards his political philosophy which is reflected in the principles of Swaraj. According to Gandhi, â€Å"at the individual level Swaraj is vitally connected with the capacity for dispassionate self-assessment, ceaseless self-purification and growing self-reliance†. He believed that it is important for people to rule themselves properly and never be a disturbance to the society. Swaraj is when everyone is his own ruler and the government facilitates this individual and community development. Works Cited Jyotsna Kamat. 14 April 2005. Mahatma Gandhi: Story of Satyagraha.  © 1996-2009 Kamat’s Potpourri. http://www. kamat. com/mmgandhi/satyagraha. htm. 18 July 2009 Satyagraha. Wikipedia Foundation Inc. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Satyagraha. 18 July 2009 What is Satyagraha?. Gandhi Research Foundation. www. gandhifoundation. net. 18 July 2009 What is Swaraj?. The Swaraj Foundation. www. swaraj. org . 18 July 2009

Friday, August 16, 2019

Formal and Non Formal Education

CHAPTER 2 Page 28 4. |City |Frequency |Relative |Or Relative Frequency | | | |Frequency |(%) | |Indianapolis |100 |0. 050 |5. 0 | |St. Louis |450 |0. 225 |22. 5 | |Chicago |1300 |0. 650 |65. 0 | |Milwaukee |150 |0. 075 |7. 5 | |Total |2000 |1. 000 |100. | 5. a. A frequency table. b. [pic] c. |Â   |Frequencies |Relative Frequencies (%) | |White |130 |10. 0 | |Black |104 |8. 0 | |Lime |325 |25. 0 | |Orange |455 |35. 0 | |Red |296 |22. 0 | |Total |1300 |Â  100. | [pic] d. 350,000 orange; 250,000 lime; 220,000 red; 100,000 white, and 80,000 black, found by multiplying relative frequency by 1,000,000 production. Page 35 10. a. 25 = 32, 26 = 64 > 53 suggests 6 classes. b. [pic]Use interval of 15 and start first class at 40. 12. a. 24 = 16, 25 = 32 > n = 20, suggest 5 classes b. [pic]Use interval of 10. c. 50 d. fRelative frequency 50 up to 6040. 20 60 up to 7050. 25 70 up to 8060. 30 80 up to 9020. 10 90 up to 10030. 15 Total201. 00 e. The fewest number is about 50, the highest about 100 .The greatest concentration is in classes 60 up to 70 and 70 up to 80. Page 41 15. The following table is for 7th edition part (b) only |Class |Mid Points x |Frequency |cum. Freq |Relative |fx | | | | | |Frequencies | | |0 – 5 |2. 5 |5 |5 |0. 05 |12. 5 | |5-10 |7. 5 |13 |18 |0. 13 |97. | |10-15 |12. 5 |28 |46 |0. 28 |350. 0 | |15-20 |17. 5 |23 |69 |0. 23 |402. 5 | | 20-25 |22. 5 |18 |87 |0. 18 |405. 0 | |25-30 |27. 5 |10 |97 |0. 1 |275. 0 | |30-35 |32. 5 |3 |100 |0. 3 |97. 5 | |Â   |Total |100 |Â   |1. 00 |1640. 0 | a. Histogram b. 100 (8th edition) c. 5 d. 28 e. 0. 28 f. 12. 5 g. 13 16. a. 3 b. about 26 or 27 c. 2 d. frequency polygon 17. a. 50 b. 1. 5 thousands of miles c. d. X = 1. 5, Y = 5 e. [pic] f. For the 50 employees about half earn between 6 and 9 thousand frequent flier miles. Five earn less than 3 thousand frequent flier miles, and two earn more than 12 thousand frequent flier miles. Page 45 20. a. 200 b. b. about 50 or $50,000 . c. about $180,000 d. about $240, 000 e. about = 110 – 50 or 60 homes f. about 130 homes 22. a. Les than 10 days = 6 + 7 = 13 Less than 15 days = 6 + 7 + 12 = 25 b. Lead TimefCF 0 up to 566 5 up to 10713 10 up to 151225 15 up to 20833 20 up to 25740 c. d. 14 CHAPTER EXERCISES Page 46 26. a. The scale is ordinal and the variable is qualitative. b. |Performance |Frequency | |Early |22 | |On-time |67 | |Late |9 | |Lost |2 | . |Performance |Relative Frequency | |Early |. 22 | |On-time |. 67 | |Late |. 09 | |Lost |. 02 | d. [pic] e. [pic] f. 89% of the packages are either early or on-time and 2% of the packages are lost. So they are missing both of their objectives. They must eliminate all lost packages and reduce the late percentage to below 1%. ———————– [pic]